“To know, love and share”

Nov 5, 2019





Latest news stories

51 men joined the Jesuit Novitiates in Europe

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More than 210 participants from 25 countries came together “to know, love and share” in Magis Europe 2019 summer event. The Ignatian program for young adults took place in Lithuania and Latvia from the 23rd till the 31st of July, 2019.

This year 2019 marks the 450th anniversary of the Jesuit Mission in Lithuania and The Magis Europe 2019 event became one of the key parts of this celebration. The program was based on the official theme of the anniversary year “To know, love and share”. The event was also linked to the world Magis 2019 program and the World Youth Days in Panama.

Magis Europe in Lithuania and Latvia was divided in two parts: Magis experiments and the Closing Festival.


There were proposed 11 different experiments, grouped in the categories: Pilgrimage, Ecology, Service, Spirituality, Arts and Culture.

The Ecology experiments invited to focus on the practical ways of relating Catholic faith with personal ecology through environmental workshops and education. These experiments were inspired by the impulses from Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Sii” and his call to foster inner spiritual ecology.

In the three Pilgrimage experiments young adults not only walked, but also canoed and cycled their way through different terrains in Lithuania and Latvia. Pilgrimages took place on the way of Santiago de Compostela, as well as on the beautiful Lithuanian seaside in Curonian Spit and in the “blue lakes land” area in Latvia.

Participants who chose the category of Arts and Culture attended Choir, Taizé music, Theater and Food experiments. Young people were invited to reach out to God through worship, improvisation and even through the preparation of food. An important part of these experiments was sharing the fruits of these experiences – music, acting performances and food – with others.

The Spirituality experiment invited young people to explore the ‘more’ of God in the beauty of silence. Participants had the possibility to take a break from the chaos and noise of the modern world and concentrate only on the inner spiritual movements.

Mother Teresa’s sisters welcomed Magis participants in Riga for a Service experiment. Young people were invited to join the sisters in their daily acts of kindness for the homeless, addicted and for the children from the socially challenged families.

Closing Festival

After the fruitful and moving Magis experiments participants gathered in Kaunas, Lithuania for the celebration of the Closing Festival. Young people participated in the Evening of Reconciliation with the Lithuanian Youth Days choir. Next day participants attended Magis education workshops, Kaunas tours and took part in the choir Exaudi concert-meditation “The Face of Christ” which is based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. The evening was dedicated to get a glimpse and taste of Central American culture through traditional music, food and drinks. Magis Europe 2019 was closed on the 31st of July with an uplifting celebration of the Solemnity of St. Ignatius. Also, the announcement of an invitation to the next Magis event was made – Magis Europe 2020 will take place in Hungary from the 1st to the 9th of August. Remember to book these dates in your Magis calendar!

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Web Dev , SJDigital

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