Mount St. Joseph FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to reach the House from the airport?

Taxi service (Ecabs Tel +356 21383838 at approximately €20) or other taxi services.  A cheap alternative (the local bus) can be located at the airport terminal.

In the case of late arrival (outside normal office hours) what are the entry requirements?

The main doors of the building and the gates at the entry of the house are usually closed after 10.30pm and you would need to ring the bell to gain access to the building. If you plan to come into the House after 10.30pm, please ensure you have advised the reception or one of the Jesuit Fathers.

Can you indicate the meal times at the House?

Unless otherwise agreed at the reservation stage, meal times are as follows:
Breakfast: 8.00am
Lunch: 1.00pm
Supper: 7.00pm

Does the House cater for particular dietary requirements?

Yes. Dietary requirements are to be communicated through the reception at the booking stage or at the earliest opportunity.

How do I settle my account with the House?

Locals can settle their account on arrival at the house or on departure. Foreigners are kindly requested to contact the reception to advance a deposit especially for long stays. The reception will communicate our account details. All settlements are to be affected in Euro.

Is the water in the rooms potable?

The water in the rooms is not fit for drinking since we treat it with chlorine. Potable water can be purchased from the vending machine in the main reception area.

Do we have to bring our own linen for overnight accommodation?

If you are a local you are kindly requested to bring your own towels. We provide towels to foreigners. All other linen including bedsheets will be provided by the House.

What other facilities are provided by the House?

The House provides free parking, camping facilities, a baby changing facility and special accommodation/utilities for disabled persons.

Are the rooms air-conditioned?

A number of rooms are air-conditioned. Use of air-conditioning comes at a modest extra cost and is subject to availability.

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