
Mar 12 - 14 2021


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Hamlet Soliloquy and Getsemane

This retreat is designed to help us come closer to the mystery of Christ and our own mystery as we stand at the cross road of Getsamane… that profound moment in our Lord’s humanity when his very life and mission and the eternal future of humanity are contemplated and held at stake.
To be or not to be is the penultimate moment of that crucial choice on which our whole life and that of others depends. It is the question Hamlet poses for all of humanity rather than for only himself. ..but ultimately each one of needs to answer it on his own, in the perspective of that which is finite or eternal. Shakespeare drama and words in Hamlet’s Soliloquy will assist us enter the anguish and dynamic of Getsamane with the hope of finding in the Lord’s Getsamane the Grace necessary to take our stand in and for Being.
Led by Alda Anastasi