
Jan 05 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Exploring the Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”

EDIT: Il-grupp organizzattiv tal-Kors Nesploraw l-Enċiklika Fratelli Tutti ltaqa’ biex jiddiskuti fost affarijiet oħra, is-sitwazzjoni li donnha qed tiggrava minhabba n-numru li dejjem jiżdied tal-Covid. Ittiehdet id-deċiżjoni li jigi pospost għal wara L-Għid 2022. Għad irridu nistabilixxu id-dati u fejn, jekk isirx online jew le.

To book:
The Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” is a potent expression of faith in times of doubt, a call for hope in times of fear and a challenge to love. This Encyclical is a blend of Franciscan themes and Ignatian discernment, combined with the Catholic Social Teaching. The Encyclical invites us to an affective, reflective and imaginative relationship with the variety of ideas and arguments it presents to us.
We will ponder upon this Encyclical in eight meetings that will include a presentation of a theme, reflection and discussion in groups, prayer and a search for ways of putting these themes in action. These meetings are an invitation for conversion of our vision of life.
Led by Fr Mark Ciantar ofm, Fr Vince Magri sj, Josephine Vassallo, Maria Cardona in collaboration with the Justice and Peace Commission