
This is a section with a row with the default size and padding. This needs to be your first section in each page to match with the theme. Load it from the library, change the backgrounds, columns or styles and add the components you need. 

Titles & text


h1 title


h2 title


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Nils Frahm is a German musician, composer and record producer based in Berlin. He is known for combining classical and electronic music and for an unconventional approach to the piano in which he mixes a grand piano, upright piano, Roland Juno-60, Rhodes piano, drum machine, and Moog Taurus.

Agnes Caroline Thaarup Obel is a Danish singer/songwriter. Her first album, Philharmonics, was released by PIAS Recordings on 4 October 2010 in Europe. Philharmonics was certified gold in June 2011 by the Belgian Entertainment Association (BEA) for sales of 10,000 Copies.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus adipisci recusandae doloribus voluptate veniam maxime esse suscipit. Aperiam, cum illo optio dolores accusantium, delectus itaque molestias quam sequi repudiandae nesciunt!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus adipisci recusandae doloribus voluptate veniam maxime esse suscipit. Aperiam, cum illo optio dolores accusantium, delectus itaque molestias quam sequi repudiandae nesciunt!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus adipisci recusandae doloribus voluptate veniam maxime esse suscipit. Aperiam, cum illo optio dolores accusantium, delectus itaque molestias quam sequi repudiandae nesciunt!





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Authors carousel


Author 10

Author 10

La mia vocazione tra medicina e cura delle anime La strada che mi ha condotto nella Compagnia è stata lunga e seminata di svolte qualche volta difficili e impreviste. I miei...

Author 9

Author 9

Cercare la vita, quella vera Sono nato in Sardegna nel settembre del 1974, a Elmas, un paese molto piccolo, vicino a Cagliari, che ospita l’aeroporto principale dell’isola. I...

Author 8

Author 8

La bellezza di spendere la vita per gli altri La mia storia è molto semplice. Sono nato a Torino da una “normale” famiglia torinese che riflette nel suo piccolo una parte della...

Author 7

Author 7

Dalla psicologia agli studi biblici Sono nato a Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) nel 1979. Dopo aver frequentato il liceo classico mi reco a Roma, dove studio presso l’Università “La...

Author 6

Author 6

Perché proprio gesuita? Sono nato a Aquileia, in Friuli nel 1974. È lì che è nata la mia scelta. Tra chiacchierate ed incontri con amici ed amiche, lo sport, la scuola, le...

Author 5

Author 5

Nodi comunicanti di una rete Sono nato a Roma il 28 settembre 1978, dove ho vissuto fino all’età di 20 anni. I miei ricordi d’infanzia sono molto sereni. Prima di iniziare a...

Author 4

Author 4

Gli esercizi per trovare la mia strada Sono nato a Campobasso, il 25 Maggio 1966. Mia madre era insegnante di scuola media, attualmente in pensione, mio padre impiegato delle...

Author 3

Author 3

Leggendo Aggiornamenti Sociali… Sono originario di Alba, una piccola cittadina della provincia di Cuneo, in Piemonte. Secondogenito di una famiglia semplice e di fede profonda,...

Author 2

Author 2

Spiritualità ignaziana e discernimento sociale Sono nato a Pavia, dove ho vissuto tutta la mia infanzia e adolescenza. Nella mia formazione umana e spirituale è stata...

Name  Subname

Name Subname


Ingredienti per un perfetto cocktail ignaziano Sono nato a Vicenza nel 1968. Del Veneto mi porto appresso la testa dura e l’accento. In qualunque luogo mi trovi la parlata...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nullam, eros et rutrum dictum duis augue suspendisse, magnis vulputate convallis nulla at porta neque.



The history of the Society is a rich tapestry of people. Some were famous and became saints. Others are unknown. All wanted to find and serve God as contemplatives in action at the frontiers of the world. Jesuits have been engaged in ministries as diverse as spiritual direction, education, the care of refugees, outreach to the homeless, theological and philosophical enquiry.

Our mission is to help people find God – the service of faith. And to witness to that same God, by reaching out to those most neglected by our societies, the little ones about whom He cares profoundly. We work in partnership with lay people as well as with other religious and priests who share the same sense of mission. In all our ministries we care for the person as a whole – mind and heart, body and soul.


In the next links you can find more information about the Society of Jesus, the Conference of European Provincials and the presence of the Jesuits in the different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region.


Ignatian Spirituality

 The Ignatian worldview includes these core values:

Finding God in the whole dispersity of creation especially in men and women.

Serving faith -being contemplatives in action and helping others find God.

Discernment -what does God desire for the world and how can we align ourselves with His mission and His will?

Living in solidarity with those who are poorest and on the margins of our societies.

     Being in dialogue with people and cultures.


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The Jesuits

The Society of Jesus is a congregation of priests and brothers founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. We commit ourselves to live our lives finding God in all things and helping others to do the same.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

It all started with a Basque nobleman, Ignatius of Loyola. After a battle injury, he experienced a profound religious conversion and dedicated himself to God’s service. When studying in Paris, he gathered a group of friends and this first community of “friends in the Lord” wanted to serve God wherever the need was greatest. They put themselves at the service of the Pope, vowing to obey him as regards any special mission he might give them. Soon, the Jesuits spread throughout the world.


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This is a row with the default size and padding. You can load this row, change the columns and styles for your needs and then load the components